Horsham Early Years
Infrastructure Project

Horsham Rural City Council
Horsham VIC, in Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia, and Jupagulk country
$4.1m contract budget

WRA undertook a review of existing early years facilities assessing buildings, location, access and context to contribute to the Horsham Early Years Services Infrastructure Project and development of the draft Municipal Early Years Policy.   

Existing sites were tested to assess their future capacity to support larger integrated early years services and new sites were identified for short, medium- and long-term planning
in Horsham. 

This review led to the identification of Horsham North as the priority in terms of provision of a new integrated early years services facility in the near future. WRA then completed a short-term master plan for the preferred site at Dudley Cornell Reserve addressing the future needs of both the existing sports facilities on site and the new early years and community facility.

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