Q Theatre
in association with Cheshire Architects as Principal Consultant
Q Theatre Inc.
Auckland NZ
$23m contract value
This important variable format contemporary theatre venue for Auckland City is located in the cultural precinct of Aotea Square beside the historic Auckland Town Hall. The centre provides a much-needed venue for emerging and established professional contemporary artists for Q Theatre Inc., a not-for-profit organisation of professional theatre producers, practitioners, and arts supporters.
Design proposals were developed with and scrutinised by professional theatre practitioners throughout the process. Four storey historic terrace buildings fronting Queen Street, Auckland’s main street, became home to the foyer, bar, Box Office, café, studio, rehearsal, function rooms, and amenities. Behind on Greys Avenue, the new Rangatira Theatre was built on top of backstage and administration, loading dock, and a replacement Town Green Room.
Photos: Simon Devitt
“‘Q Theatre is an adroit and harmonious insertion into a constrained and historic site. Full value has been extracted from every fund-raised dollar, but an economy of means only emphasises the quality of the architectural achievement.
A flexible and forthright main auditorium is complemented by a surprising array of functional spaces, and the precast exterior nicely balances the assertion of identity with a respect for context.’
— NZIA Public Architecture Award 2012, Jury citation ”